A colloquium entitled ‘Bayonne, berceau du jansénisme ? Naissance et
cristallisation du mouvement janséniste dans la société de son temps
(1610-1643)’ was held in Bayonne on 6-8 December 2012.It was sponsored by La Societé des Sciences et Lettres de Bayonne and supported by the city of Bayonne. The colloquium brought together a selection of experts from around the world, who presented the most recent research on the enduring influence of Jansenism and on its historical roots in the Bayonne area. The chief organiser was Dr Thierry Issartel, Professeur de Chaire Supérieure Khâgne du lycée L. Barthou, chercheur associé à l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour et post doctorant à l’EHESS (Paris). The proceedings of the colloquium will be published in due course by Champion. To view the programme click on the link below.