Jeroen Nilis’s Irish Students at Leuven University 1548-1797: a prosopography, published in the Fasti Academici series of the University Archives and Art Collections and the University Library of K.U. Leuven, has appeared. A large part of this work was previously published in Archivium Hibernicum LX  (2006-7), pp 1-304. Due to the abundance of Leuven University archives, it has been possible to reconstruct the academic careers of almost 1200 Irish students in the university. The majority of Irish secular students were destined for the priesthood and the Irish mission. A few studied law and medicine. Irish Leuven alumni provided no fewer tha five archbishops, twelve bishops and ten university professory at Leuven University itself. The book does not cover the Irish regulars who frequented Leuven: they studied in houses of their resprective orders. Jeroen Nilis, who holds a PhD from Leuven, has published extensively on Irish clerics in the Low Countries. The accompanying image is an eighteenth-century engraving of the Irish pastoral college, Leuven, founded by Archbishop Eugene MacMahon of Dublin in 1624 with the assistance of the local authorities and Propaganda Fide. To view view the cover and read a short introduction, click below.