Editorial correspondence should be addressed to Prof Thomas O’Connor, Editor Archivium Hibernicum, MU Arts & Humanities Institute, Iontas Building, Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland, email.
Manuscripts must be submitted in hard copy (double-spaced) and by email attachment. They should be prepared in accordance with ‘Rules for contributors’ in Irish Historical Studies, xxxiii, no. 131 (May, 2003), pp 351-68.
Contributors are asked to use the following amendments to the ‘Rules for contributors’ –
- p and pp for page numbers are not used
- In the case of citations, please include the name of the publisher, immediately after the place of publication, e.g. (Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2018)
- In the case of dates and/or page numbers please use an en dash instead of a dash, e.g. 1885–1889
All material is externally refereed. Depending on the level of speciality of the material the process can take up to a year to complete. Archivium Hibernicum publishes source material in all European languages and has a particular interest in documentary sources in Latin and Gaelic.