Catholic Historical Society of Ireland Annual Conference
11 September 2021
Online via Zoom
Register via Eventbrite or by email catholichistsoc@gmail.com
11.00: Welcome (Bronagh McShane, Conference Secretary, Catholic Historical Society of Ireland)
Session 1
11.15: Bishop Brendan Leahy (Diocese of Limerick), ‘Entering a spiritual and cultural revolution: the Catholic Church in Ireland and Vatican II’
11.45-12.00: Q&A
Session 2
12.00: Gary Carville (Diocese of Clogher), ‘Receiving the Council: a collegial experience of synodality in Ireland?’
12.30: Daithí Ó Corráin (Dublin City University), ‘Approaching conciliar renewal with a mixture of urgency and gradualism: Cardinal William Conway and the Second Vatican Council’
13.00-13.30: Q&A
13.30: Break
Session 3
14.00: Carole Holohan (Trinity College Dublin), ‘The Second Vatican Council and new attitudes to poverty’
14.30: Máire Ní Chearbhaill (Independent), ‘The Society of St Vincent de Paul in the decade after Vatican II’
15.00-15.30: Q&A
Session 4
15.30: Noelle Dowling (Dublin Diocesan Archive), ‘Progressive moves in terms of communication – archives relating to the establishment of the Diocesan Press Office in 1965’
16.00: Ellen Rowley (University College Dublin), ‘A quest for authenticity: Irish church design in the dawn of Vatican II’
16.30-17.00: Q&A
17.00: Conference close