Prof. Euan K. Cameron, Union Theological
Seminary, New York City will deliver a lecture entitled ?Cosmic Time and the
Theological View of World History? on Monday 7 February 2011 in Renehan Hall, St Patrick?s College, Maynooth at 7.30pm All are welcome.

Prof. Euan K. Cameron is Henry Luce III Professor of
Reformation Church History at Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. Among his
many scholarly publications are: The Reformation of the Heretics: the Waldenses of the Alps 1480-1580
(1984); The European Reformation (1991); Waldenses: Rejections of
Holy Church in Medieval Europe
(2000) Interpreting Christian History (2005).
His most recent work is Enchanted Europe: religion, superstition, reason and religion, 1250-1750, which was published in 2010 by Oxford University Press. He is
currently acting as Academic Editor to the third volume of the New Cambridge History of the Bible to
which he is also a contributor.